Hey gang I have some new pics up (just 2 though)
I'll refrain from posting a comment
This post will explain why
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/rantsandraves/3959885/WTF- Ive-turned-into-a-damn-14-year-old/
This post will explain why
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/rantsandraves/3959885/WTF- Ive-turned-into-a-damn-14-year-old/
Feedback? Bull**** You just want all of us to tell you how good you look. Nothing wrong with that. Momma always said, "If you got it, flaunt it." That being said, you look fabulous. Great job.
I really never post in the Mens' forum for their opinion on anything. They really are more focused on other things. Besides, when they do give a compliment, it more along the lines of a pat on the back or a slap on the butt after a good play type of thing instead of the real honesty and enthusiasm you'll get here.
Keep it up,