Urgent question
Well my surgery was done last Tuesday and all went well and I came home Thurs. afternoon. Went on the clear liq. diet followed by the full liq. yesterday and today per orders..
Since yesterday I have and am experiencing lots of urination and also lots of gas rumbling in the the intestine leading to very loose stool being expelled...its not controllable by me which is not fun...
Anyone have this at first..I expect the freq. urination but not the other..all my take home instructions talk about constipation..
Other than that I feel fine am not on any pain meds..
Thx for you support on this...
326/ ?/ 150
I did not pee to much at first but now I'm back to normal as far as that goes.
Hang in there the trips to the bathroom will be less in a few days.
As for the gas I thought I would blow up the first few days. I guess a lot of gas from the surgery was still in me. I just knew it would pop my stapleline or something. Still got some gas but better.
Urination is normal for all the fluid they put in you. I remember having to drink 700 ml of liquid before they would discharge me...to get the liquid in I had to go to the bathroom every two sips. I was overloaded on fluids and couldn't get anymore in unless I let some go...LOL...now I know what a sink feels like. As for the gas, I had lots of gas because of a problem with a clamp during surgery....it slipped and allowed lots of the gas anesthesia they use in the mid-section during the operation into my intestines. So, I was very uncomfortable for a few days. Walking helps it move and gets it to dissipate from the body.
Good luck and glad you are home.
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10
So use the time trotting to the bathroom to pee as an opportunity to walk off the gas. There's a twofer for ya!
Best of luck to you and congratulations!