building back upper body muscle
I am 6 moths out of surgery lost 108 pounds and with that lots of muscle.. I want to build my upper body back up.
I unstand the whole tearing of muscle and letting them scar and heal but with that comes alot more protient intake and calories.. which I am afraid to do..
I'm about 600 to 900 calories a day now and about 65 to 70 grams of protien which is by no means enough to do bulk up my body.
Anyone have any suggestions on bulking up upper body muscle mass: protien intake, supplements, work out routine, books, video's,, any thing..
1> Rotate your workout between chest, back, and legs, doing each at least once a week. Try doing 4 sets on each machine. Slowly add abs back in but not until 6 months afer your surgery.
2> Have at least 15 grams of protein within 30 minutes of your workout. This is the best window for protein absorbption (supposedly).
3> Rest between workouts. You don't need to lift every day to maximize results - taking a day off after a workout is NOT a bad thing. Take that time off to do some cardio, if you can.
4> Have a little fruit about 30 minutes before your workout, especially if you're doing cardio. Don't make a meal out of it, just a little something.
I hope that helps.
I bench press 110 for 4 counts of 8 and I can leg press 160 pounds for 4 counts of 8.. I include all aspects of the upper body on arms days and lower body on legs days.
I love body building.. Just never knew it cause I was to fat!
And I eat 600 - 900 calories a day and burn 600- 700 a workout..
on 5/29/09 10:19 am - Houston, TX
you can tone up..and get mor efit..
(I did this a lot..jsut going forever on the cardio) and you will lose weight..
but it is impossible to put on muscle mass if you are in ketosis..
but with that being said..
for upper body..
ben*****line and decine press' and flies...
5 sets..20-15-10-10-10
knock it out brother..
Ive been working with a physical Therapist for a few weeks now. She has me doing 45 min cardio everyday fallowed by a core work out ever other day. Just a few weeks working with her and on my own and I am really starting to notice the difference.. She adv me that if I make any changes to my DIET (CAL INTAKE) to ask my doctor and or dietitian first. So I would ask your's if there is an issue with cals.
Right now my aim is about 1200 cals per day (my weight loss seams to stall if I dip to far below that) but I fall short of that often. I am getting a min of 60 gm protein per day. I was told to be careful of using protein powders as a crutch so unless I've just had my Band filled or unless I dont have a healthy alternative I dont use them.