I'm COLD!!
So...anyone else cold all the time? I walked into a meeting Monday morning and said "oh, it's wonderful in here" and my bf tells me everyone else who walked in was complaining about how hot it was. I've been walking around rubbing my hands and crossing my arms to try to keep warm. Yesterday I was home with a sick cat and running errands and was wearing jeans and a fleece pullover I normally wear at the ice rink for practice. Anyway I was finally comfortable for most of the day...everyone else out and about was wearing shorts and t-shirts and I'm thinking "are ya all crazy its freezing!"...even though the temp was 82. Today I'm sitting here in my office in a skirt (dumb ****head...lol) and a sweater top and I'm freezing again. Is anyone else suffering with being cold all the time? The only time I'm not cold is when I workout...then I manage to get my heart rate and body temp to a point that sweat just pours off...which is great. But this coldness is driving me insane. I figured I would be more comfortable this summer and not suffer from the heat, but this is ridiculous. I'll be wearing sweaters and long johns while the ladies parade about in bikinis.........hmmm, at least I'll have a fantastic view...LOL.

I am usually cold. Right now my thyroid is off so I am having hot flashes. UGH! I can't wait until we go on vacay to FL. I am still trying to talk the hubby into a convertable. We are taking a drive to Key West and I would LOVE to wear the suit with the top down and get some sun. Maybe I will tell him I want to do that. LOL ANYWAY!!! I froze this winter. The hubby is always hot so I froze all the time when we went out together. When it was just me I had the car like an oven. I was even told I looked like I had a sun burn once from the heat in the car. Until the thyroid issues I worse a hoodie at work all the time. It's so bad, people don't recognize me without it.
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10