Weight Loss Terrorism
Lap Bands and Metal detectors????????????????????????????? Yesterday at my support meeint a topic came up that I never thought of before. Has ANYONE ever set off a metal detector in the airport before????????????????????????????? What do you do??? I am planning a trip to visit a friend in Italy in the fall and now I'm concerned. I mean I wouldnt mind a strip search if thats what has to happen (hey its their eyes) but, I dont speak Italian and I would HATE to have to try to explain my situation. One of the ladies mentioned a card..WHAT CARD. I didnt get any card should I ask???

There is nothing metal in the band to set off the detector. Since I have had the band, my partner (who also has one) and I have flown to the Caribbean, Barbados, Amsterdam, Tahiti, Germany (twice), San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and probably a few more I can't remember. Not once in all that time have we been stopped or wanded or set off an alarm. Don't waste a minute more worrying about it.
No. I have travelled quite a bit over this past year. If you look at a lapband, it is a soft plastic (I think silicone) and the tubing is also silicone. The port is a dime sized surgical steel button with silicon backing. There is nothing to set it off. Anyway, I had a triple bypass heart surgery 3 years ago. If you look at my x-ray, it looks like I have an old TV antenna under my skin. They trussed me up good! LOL. It has never set anything off. -- Tom
Follow my journey to a happy, healthy, active life at TomBilcze.com
lol obviously you have no piercings...
13-14 years ago I used to have several body piercings and I woudl ALWAYS forget to remove them before flying... oh it was so embarassing trying to explain while at the same time hide it from my parents. But all I would have to say is "piercings" and they would let me through.
Now after 9/11 I wonder how stringent they are.
You can get one of those cards on this site... (good for restaurants) but I've actually played with the lap band and there definitly is no metal in them.
Now I'm wondering about the titanium stiching i have on my pouch... wonder if that picsk up. I highly doubt it, but it's a thought.
13-14 years ago I used to have several body piercings and I woudl ALWAYS forget to remove them before flying... oh it was so embarassing trying to explain while at the same time hide it from my parents. But all I would have to say is "piercings" and they would let me through.
Now after 9/11 I wonder how stringent they are.
You can get one of those cards on this site... (good for restaurants) but I've actually played with the lap band and there definitly is no metal in them.
Now I'm wondering about the titanium stiching i have on my pouch... wonder if that picsk up. I highly doubt it, but it's a thought.