Your insurance company is probably hand reviewing your case before they make a decision. Certain procedures get automatic approval (like an emergency appendectomy), some get deferred for hand review and some are automatically rejected (like a face-lift.) All insurance companies are different. So it's hard to know what experience you will have with your specific insurance company.
On this website there are insurance message boards and message boards for your state. A good place to start might be there.
On this website there are insurance message boards and message boards for your state. A good place to start might be there.
Michael, After being on this board for the past year, I have seen a large variance on how long approval takes. It appears that 2 weeks is normal. Just keep checking on it. I think being a pain in the a$$ pays off when dealing with insurance. The squeaky wheel often gets the attention. -- Tom
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Got the news today that my insurance will cover it, there is a great hospital, less than a mile where my boyfriend lives in Tampa, called Tampa General Hospital. The insurance company won't cover anything here in Daytona Beach, where I live.
The only thing I have to pay is the co-pays for the doctor at $35.00 and $800.00 to the hospital for the surgery.
I have already called the team in Tampa just waiting to hear back from them on the the seminar, and called my primary about the letter of unsuccessful attempts to lose weight .
The only thing I have to pay is the co-pays for the doctor at $35.00 and $800.00 to the hospital for the surgery.
I have already called the team in Tampa just waiting to hear back from them on the the seminar, and called my primary about the letter of unsuccessful attempts to lose weight .