Hello to is a 2-3 months out how many calories were you consuming each day on average?
I feel a little lost since my dr tells me not to count calories at all. I'm trying to figure out how many calories, fat, carbs, and protien to have each day. I know my protein is to be between 60-80g per day...that's the only thing the dr has told me.
Anyone have any advice?
I really didn't worry about calories until about month 6. I still don't worry too much about them now. I still focus on what I eat instead of how much. I focus on my protein and veggies then fruit, then carbs.
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10
Hmm... No one has told me not to count calories before. I know that I am taking in about 1200 cal per day.. I am getting in about 60g protein and my diet is relatively well balanced.
My surgeons office sells this plate.... Im not sure if you can purchase it over the Internet or not. But, you can go to their web site and see LARGE picture of it on line.. I bought the plate and it really seams to help. I eat three meal a day using this plate as my guide.
Here is the link.. go to the bottom of the page to see the plate. If you want I will call them and ask them if they would sell one on line or over the phone and ship it to you.
My surgeons office sells this plate.... Im not sure if you can purchase it over the Internet or not. But, you can go to their web site and see LARGE picture of it on line.. I bought the plate and it really seams to help. I eat three meal a day using this plate as my guide.
Here is the link.. go to the bottom of the page to see the plate. If you want I will call them and ask them if they would sell one on line or over the phone and ship it to you.
I'm probably guilty of some copy right agreement or something by posting this but I did add a copy of the photo of the plate to the photo album on my profile so you are welcome to look at it.

Hey Hun:
Bottom line.. If calories in is less than calories out, you will lose weight.
At goal you should maintain a diet of 1200 calories.
I keep track in my Blackberry to keep me honest, and to make sure I get my protein. At over a year out I am eating about 600 - 900 calories but that is not enough... My nutritionalist wants me up at 1200.
At 2 - 3 months you shouldn't be able to eat more calories than you burn. Don't worry yet.
Bottom line.. If calories in is less than calories out, you will lose weight.
At goal you should maintain a diet of 1200 calories.
I keep track in my Blackberry to keep me honest, and to make sure I get my protein. At over a year out I am eating about 600 - 900 calories but that is not enough... My nutritionalist wants me up at 1200.
At 2 - 3 months you shouldn't be able to eat more calories than you burn. Don't worry yet.
I have found a new way of life that has kept me at Goal since 2008.. And keeping it that way!
Its really not that hard to get to 1200 cals. Writing it all down really helps to keep on track.. I didnt know about the Black Berry thing.. Is the an ap for that??? I wonder... I came up with an EXCEL formula to track mine... I keep it all in a notebook durring the week and transfer it over on the weekend. It gives me a nice little chart that show's total cal.. Then it breaks it down into Protein, Fiber, Carbs, Veg... and water. I lost 148 pounds just to become a computer geek.