Catch Up
Good morning to all!
Well, my retreat was good. I actually lost weight there and it was my test in a non-controlled environment. It is making me think A LOT.
My endoscopy was yesterday. I had a stricture...I guess, they called it a narrowing of the esophogus. They said that it could occur again, but at least I would now know the warning signs. I had a really hard time with the procedure. I just feel like no one is listening to me.
I met with one of my friends this week that hasn't seen me since surgery. She was going on and on about how much weight she could tell I had lost, ect......I just don't see it.
All I want to do lately is sleep. I have no energy. I think I'm hitting the depressed stage. I did make an apt with a councelor in my area that had wls years ago. I guess she's been at her goal weight for about 10 years. She talked to me on the phone for about a good 10-15 minutes and said she thought I would be the type to need an apt about every month...that we wouldn't need a deep dive. I guess that is good.
And you are not alone. I had absolutely no energy for about the first three months after surgery and felt depressed and down as well. Part of that is the assult on your body. It's normal to crash a bit. Just know that it will pass. Also know you can be down about some things and still be happy about others or feel sad, angry, scared and kinda happy all at the same time. Nothing is black and white.
Sleep when you need to sleep, walk, talk, reach out. Do not turn to chemicals to cope. This is a very bad thing that I've seen others do... a glass of wine or pain meds to sleep. Bad choices. If you can't sleep, get up and get **** done. If you are tired and can sleep, do so. Listen to your body... and it sounds like you got this one down well.
And yes, it will take time for your inner vision of yourself to catch up with the reality of your weight loss. Don't stress. I'm 5'3" and weigh 127 pounds and still think I'm fat. Whatthehellever! Right? LOL
Just keep doing what you know is right and you'll find yourself a-ok!
"When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge." -Tuli Kupferberg
You said you feel like no one is listening and you had a hard time with the procedure. What's up? We are here to listen.
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10