4 more days till surgery - any words of wisdom for me?
I want to thank everyone for all the support you have given me over the past few months.
This board has helped me to keep my sanity and helped me get thru the fear.
Is there any one thing that you can think of that you wish you had known before going in the hospital that would have been helpful.
I would appreciate any last minute words of wisdom.
This board has helped me to keep my sanity and helped me get thru the fear.
Is there any one thing that you can think of that you wish you had known before going in the hospital that would have been helpful.
I would appreciate any last minute words of wisdom.
Take lip chap and breath spray. Your lips get horribly chapped and the breath spray helps with dry mouth. Have a pillow for the ride home. I had open and it helped. I have been told it helps if you have it lap too. Ask for an extra pillow at the hospital. If you have to cough use it to help hold your stomach so it doesn't move as much. Take comfy shoes to walk in. Walking helps get the anesthesia out of your system faster and it also helps if you have gas.
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10
If they haven't stressed it to you already, get up and walk laps around the hospital ward as soon as you wake up.
This helps with gas trapped in your body and helps "wake up" your organs post surgery.
I can't TELL you how much this helped me post surgery. The gas pains made me feel a sharp, awful pain between my shoulder blades, but the walks helped enormously.
Try your best to get 6 laps around your ward a day (1 lap per walk).
This helps with gas trapped in your body and helps "wake up" your organs post surgery.
I can't TELL you how much this helped me post surgery. The gas pains made me feel a sharp, awful pain between my shoulder blades, but the walks helped enormously.
Try your best to get 6 laps around your ward a day (1 lap per walk).