Aaron thinks his leg is infected - AGAIN.....or is that YET AGAIN? Anyway, he's waiting....for what? His leg to rot? To drop over dead? What????
His doctor told him if the fever comes back, he should go to the ER, and yet, there he sits, AT WORK.
I understand he's worried about possibly losing his job, but I'M worried about losing our Aaron! I did tell him to let me know what type of flowers he likes, that way when he dies from this, his job can send him flowers.
Obviously, I'm NOT heartless, but I AM worried sick about him. So here's what I need you to do - if you have Aaron's cell number, email addy or his Facebook page - start harassing him, gently, lovingly, but PLEASE do it!
Follow my journey to a happy, healthy, active life at TomBilcze.com
Aaron, you must go to the hospital now!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR ELSE!!! Seriously tho...Aaron please go get checked out!!!
Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...