My Week 1 WLS Class
I had my first class today. It went well. It had alot of getting weighted in for the first time (which was killer! let me tell you) and introductions and some information was handed out. I had a really good experience overall. Very nice people. Informative teacher. Nothing but good reviews. OK so I haven't been on a scale in soo long. And today right before it was my turn i was like sooo freaking out. I was scared to death of seeing that number. I told myself that i wasn't going to look. But I DID. and you know what. It wasn't as bad as i thought it was. Don't get me wrong i wanted to cry seeing it but i gave myself a pep talk and told myself that its only going to get better from here. I am going to put my whole being into this. I AM READY! and i am ON MY WAY! hehe
My top number was 537. I was shocked and ashamed when I saw it, and couldn't understand how I let myself get there.
The last time I weighed myself I was 384 - and that was about 5 weeks ago. I'm going to get to weigh myself again next week and i'm looking forward to it, now, if you can believe that.
The number you've just seen will someday be a badge of honor for you - your position on the battlefield when you really started fighting your war.
Sounds like you've really got a handle on it, though! Keep it up!