Relationship Issues
Hey guys! I was just wondering if any of you have had any issues in your relationships due to your WLS. I had GB 2 weeks ago and it seems like if anything, my girlfriend and I have had an even better sex life than before. Yes, I know I was supposed to wait 2 weeks. We waited a week haha. I have just heard that alot of people have broken up and had alot of issues because of it.
The issues were more so in the beginning, before surgery. She had lots of jealousy and would say things like "you are just gonna leave me for someone hotter".
Now she likes to prance my pictures around to anyone she knows!! She's proud of what I've done.
I just wish she'd do something about her weight. Not that I'd leave BUT now I realize how draining it is to hear someone say all the time "im so fat".
Now she likes to prance my pictures around to anyone she knows!! She's proud of what I've done.
I just wish she'd do something about her weight. Not that I'd leave BUT now I realize how draining it is to hear someone say all the time "im so fat".
Great question... My partner left me shortly after we both decided that GPB was the best route for me to take. However, over the course of the few weeks following that decision, he decided he couldn't support it and decided to leave. While I miss him terribly, I am continuing my WLS journey so I can become healthy again.
It's great to hear that your relationship is stronger than before!! Keep going!!!!!
Hi... I think there are a couple of different aspects to this.
First I think it has to do with energy... both physical and mental. I think when we are in the middle of healing ourselves by doing what we've done with this surgery, our entire outlook changes. Hope for our futures returns and that is very sexy. We also tend to have an increase in our physical energy which is not only sexy but allows us to give more (and receive more) positive things to our partners.
On a purely physical level, sex is much better (speaking personally here)... positions are more comfortable, "things" are more accessible, and I have the stamina for sex that I once did not have. Also, although I'm struggling with the lose skin, I feel more attractive. With reference to the loose skin, I'm just more pretty on bottom than on top... although at a certain point, who the hell cares right? LOL
As for other aspects of the relationship, yes, it can definitely bring to the surface problems that may not have been apparent. I don't think it causes problems as much as uncovers them. If there was the potential for jealousy and insecurity, it will become apparent. Sometimes these things can be worked through and sometimes not. The important thing, I think, is that things tend to get really honest and how can that be bad?
Keep on getting down girlfriend... it's also good exercise. LOL
First I think it has to do with energy... both physical and mental. I think when we are in the middle of healing ourselves by doing what we've done with this surgery, our entire outlook changes. Hope for our futures returns and that is very sexy. We also tend to have an increase in our physical energy which is not only sexy but allows us to give more (and receive more) positive things to our partners.
On a purely physical level, sex is much better (speaking personally here)... positions are more comfortable, "things" are more accessible, and I have the stamina for sex that I once did not have. Also, although I'm struggling with the lose skin, I feel more attractive. With reference to the loose skin, I'm just more pretty on bottom than on top... although at a certain point, who the hell cares right? LOL
As for other aspects of the relationship, yes, it can definitely bring to the surface problems that may not have been apparent. I don't think it causes problems as much as uncovers them. If there was the potential for jealousy and insecurity, it will become apparent. Sometimes these things can be worked through and sometimes not. The important thing, I think, is that things tend to get really honest and how can that be bad?
Keep on getting down girlfriend... it's also good exercise. LOL
"When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge." -Tuli Kupferberg
Raven, I You!!! LOL
I was cracking up when I read about being prettier on the bottom. I will often lay on the bed and be in awww of how smooth and perfect my tummy looks when I lay down. But when I stand it's all downhill LOL! So when it comes to sex ...I like to be in a position I look my best haha.
So now that we've cleared that! I do admit that sex after weight loss is MUCH better!
I was cracking up when I read about being prettier on the bottom. I will often lay on the bed and be in awww of how smooth and perfect my tummy looks when I lay down. But when I stand it's all downhill LOL! So when it comes to sex ...I like to be in a position I look my best haha.
So now that we've cleared that! I do admit that sex after weight loss is MUCH better!