I haven't eaten anything sweet in the four + months since surgery, so I don't know if I suffer from dumping or not. However, I just got back from lunch and I'm feeling very strange. I'm nauseous, fast heart rate, jumpy, and in general very uncomfortable. I went out to lunch so I didn't make the best food choices....chicken fingers (ate three of six) and about 10 french fries. I had some honey mustard and ketchup. Has anyone suffered from dumping on regular food? Has anyone had these symptoms after eating?
I have an hour long spinning class tonight, so I figured I would be fine with my choices...I'll work it off later. Now, I don't think I'll ever eat those things again.
I have an hour long spinning class tonight, so I figured I would be fine with my choices...I'll work it off later. Now, I don't think I'll ever eat those things again.
welcome to dump city hon! you have just had your first dumpage :) it'll go away after a bit but yeah......I'd stay away from the honey mustard (even if honey IS a natural sugar it's packed with it) and go light on the ketchup although I have been able to find 1 carb heinz ketchup in the stores. I totally dump on sugar and I find suitable replacements. I never go to a restaurant and get something that would require condiments other than salad dressing (and I usually go with the full fat salad dressing because 9 chances out of 10 the light or fat free dressings will be loaded with sugar)
Hey there...glad to see you back! Hope you're feeling better.
Thanks for the good and bad news...I definitely don't want to feel this again. I think you're right about the honey mustard...I have had ketchup in the past without a problem. But I have to moisten all of my food in some kind of sauce otherwise I start frothing...yuck!
Also, I think Brooke's right about the grease...I know better than to put that in the temple, but sometimes we have to keep reminding ourselves.
Thanks for the good and bad news...I definitely don't want to feel this again. I think you're right about the honey mustard...I have had ketchup in the past without a problem. But I have to moisten all of my food in some kind of sauce otherwise I start frothing...yuck!
Also, I think Brooke's right about the grease...I know better than to put that in the temple, but sometimes we have to keep reminding ourselves.
Congratulations... you have the full use of a very vital WLS tool... dumping.
I only have it mildly which means I can get away with more. I'm actually jealous of you.
But if I eat sugar, too much starch, or too much fat, I feel very nauseated and want to just make it all go away. Dumping can be mild to very severe and be caused usually by sugar and/or fats. Watch out for hidden sugar. I read every label of everything that goes into my mouth.
Some people even dump on sugar alcohols such as is in sugar-free candy, etc. I tolerate them okay but too much and I'm in the bathroom which is not bad for my constipation but it also causes some mild nausea, especially if I do the SF chocolate.
I also dump on alcohol but not until the next day. Even one glass of wine in the evening and the next day I'm dry heaving and horrible diarrhea... so no alcohol for me.
Just know it will pass.
I only have it mildly which means I can get away with more. I'm actually jealous of you.
But if I eat sugar, too much starch, or too much fat, I feel very nauseated and want to just make it all go away. Dumping can be mild to very severe and be caused usually by sugar and/or fats. Watch out for hidden sugar. I read every label of everything that goes into my mouth.
Some people even dump on sugar alcohols such as is in sugar-free candy, etc. I tolerate them okay but too much and I'm in the bathroom which is not bad for my constipation but it also causes some mild nausea, especially if I do the SF chocolate.
I also dump on alcohol but not until the next day. Even one glass of wine in the evening and the next day I'm dry heaving and horrible diarrhea... so no alcohol for me.
Just know it will pass.
"When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge." -Tuli Kupferberg
Brid, looks like you and I both may be hitting possible dumping stuff at the same time. Had some corned beef hash with breakfast this morning - I've done it before with no problem, but today, about an hour later, I started having very mild symptoms like the one you described.
Not a pleasant experience. Looks like corned beef hash is a "sometimes food". Cookie monster would be very proud of me.
Not a pleasant experience. Looks like corned beef hash is a "sometimes food". Cookie monster would be very proud of me.
It sounds like you had a mild case of dumping. I have only dumped once or twice in the two years since surgery, and it was full-on dumping, which is beyond unpleasant. I honestly wanted to shank myself while I was going through it. Ugh!
The causes for dumping can be different for most poeple, as indicated in everyone's posting, but, generally, any artificial sugar, high amounts of natural sugar, high amounts of carbohydrates, or high amounts of fat can trigger the dumping syndrome. And it's also important to note that only 40 percent of Roux-en-Y bariatric patients acquire dumping syndrome, so consider yourself fortunate.
I am told that the body adjusts in time. I know people who are three years out and who can eat just about anything. It could be because I am a nutrition Nazi, but I still cannot tolerate any refined sugar and very low amounts of natural sugar. I still can't consume a lot of carbs at once, either. And like someone else posted, fried foods disgust me to no end now. They all cause me to dump and be nauseated.
Welcome to one of the challenge areas of bariatric surgery. However, I consider it a positive, because dumping can be a potent tool to help you stay the course of success that you are on.
The causes for dumping can be different for most poeple, as indicated in everyone's posting, but, generally, any artificial sugar, high amounts of natural sugar, high amounts of carbohydrates, or high amounts of fat can trigger the dumping syndrome. And it's also important to note that only 40 percent of Roux-en-Y bariatric patients acquire dumping syndrome, so consider yourself fortunate.
I am told that the body adjusts in time. I know people who are three years out and who can eat just about anything. It could be because I am a nutrition Nazi, but I still cannot tolerate any refined sugar and very low amounts of natural sugar. I still can't consume a lot of carbs at once, either. And like someone else posted, fried foods disgust me to no end now. They all cause me to dump and be nauseated.
Welcome to one of the challenge areas of bariatric surgery. However, I consider it a positive, because dumping can be a potent tool to help you stay the course of success that you are on.
Xavier Derico
Xavier Derico