Before/After Meal drinking
Another question for the day.......
I have read on here that some people do not drink 30 minutes before or after meals, while others use an hour mark. Is there a right time and a wrong time? Is it up to your doctor? I currently am doing 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after; however, that is based on the Nut's paper she gave me in the hospital (she walked in, introduced herself, handed me two pieces of paper stapled together, and then walked out). Based on my experience with her.....I want to make sure i"m doing the right thing.
If I drink too soon after eating, I get really bloated and icky feeling. If I drink ANYTHING before about 45 minutes, it's just a sip to clear something out of my throat...
Tthe best advice I heard is remember the purpose. 1) Don't clog the drain, (like putting fluid in the sink if you just poured yogurt or somethin else smooth & creamy into the drain), you will feel very uncomfortable. 2) Don't wash the food through before your head has had a good chance to register that you are full, full, full.
#1 takes at least 30 minutes for me. Like Michael, I prefer 45 minutes for anything more than a small sip. #2 also takes at least 20 minutes and 30 is safer. So I try to remember when I put food in. The harder part for me is to remember to start up the fluids again.
"be willing to sit in the middle of the fear and fucking feel it." Lady Raven
VSG 12/9/08 Highest 278, then lost #30 preop Goal 126
So our program says nothing 15 minutes before and no liquids one hour after. The reason for this is multiple. First it keeps the liquid from filling up your pouch before and not allowing room for the important protein you need for your meal. Not drinking after whether 30 minutes or an hour allows the food to stay there longer, keeping you full and prevents you from just washing the food out of your pouch with the liquid because you no longer have a sphincter at the bottom of your pouch like you did your stomach.
I try hard to do the full hour after eating. If I drink too soon I get that bloated, icky feeling AND I'm hungry sooner.
The truth is I do really well with this at home and work. If I'm dining out, I tend to want a cup of coffee (decaf of course) after dinner and I do tend to sip a little. The hot coffee doesn't seem to bloat me like not-hot (I can't drink cold well at all) liquids do so I get away with it somewhat. But I do find myself being hungry again fairly soon and that can lead to the #1 weight regain indicator ... snacking/grazing... so it's all kind of connected.
And yeah, I'm really sorry your nut was so useless. I'm glad we have this forum too!
"When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge." -Tuli Kupferberg
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10