OK, so I had to bake something to take to work today, So I made Goody bars. You use a cake mix with an egg and a stick of butter, then you mix cream cheese, a box of powdered sugar and 2 eggs on top of that. It sat on my desk all with people coming by and eating. I did really well until I got home with the left overs. I ate a small one and I guess I am dumping for the first time. I feel sick and my stomach is hurting. I am not sweating like I have heard some people say they did. I made it 5 months without testing sugar, why did I do this today!
I'm convinced now that everyone who dumps does it differently. I'm tested it out and I can eat some sugar. It does make me queasy and nauseated depending on how much but I don't get the severe symptoms that I've heard other describe. Also mine is not immediate. None of my symptoms are. I can eat too fast and too much and not feel anything for about 20 minutes and then it all hits me and I'm miserable which kinda sucks because it doesn't help me know when to stop like I've heard it works for others. I'm actually going to talk about this in my 6-month postop class on Thursday. One night I did eat a fair amount of sugar (because I'm human too) and didn't feel bad until the next morning and then had horrible diarrhea and nausea and dry heaves... like a hangover. I too went a long time without testing it. Now I know how much I can get away with and I'm kinda bummed about that. I feel like I've failed. But then I remember that this is a life-long process and we are going to push the limits and test it. The difference is that in the past we would have given up and gone back to all our old ways and now we hopefully only do it occasionally and learn from it along the way. It's a learning curve and we have to do the work and sometimes that means testing and pushing the limits. Just so we return to what we know works well for us to keep us on our path.
"When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge." -Tuli Kupferberg
welcome to the "I wish I had not done that" club!! we are all members of this vast organization. however, it just goes to show that you are human and made an error in judgement. I feel that dumping is a true blessing of RNY.. now why is the hell would I evbery say that? well, n all seriousness, it is the "errors in judgement" that were made year over year that got us to our heaviest and if you dump then you will not do it again. consider it just a hurdle that you have to cross. you are doing an amazing job and keep enjoying the journey!!