can't sleep
Yes, oh yes... I had trouble sleeping as well. It didn't seem to be from discomfort and I'm really not sure what it's from. Z (my partner) said I'm losing weight so fast, even when I'm trying to sleep and so it's keeping me awake. LOL The insomnia lasted for a few weeks to a couple of months for me. I still tend to wake up at least once during the night to pee but then I go right back to sleep. If you are still off work, take advantage of the daytime and rest. Just remember, your body and your mind have been through a lot and it's understandable to have that disrupt your sleep patterns. It will get better.
"When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge." -Tuli Kupferberg
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10