Endoscopy AND Colonoscopy tomorrow
Ok, tomorrow I get both a endoscopy and a colonoscopy done at 10:30am. Lucky me. I'm having the endoscopy done because lately(ok several months now,) when I puke, some blood has been coming up, and I guess that's not a good thing
Personally I think its just some broken blood vessles from the force of da' puke.
I'm having the colonoscopy done because my older brother had his done last fall and they found some pre-cancerous polyps and told him if he had any siblings they should get one done regardless of age, so I'm getting both done in one shot. So right now, I've finished drinking the nasty stuff and have been going
for the last hour. At least I'll be asleep for both procedures
I'm kinda nervous so if you think of it, say a little prayer to whatever God(s) you believe in for me at 10:30am thursday.

I'm having the colonoscopy done because my older brother had his done last fall and they found some pre-cancerous polyps and told him if he had any siblings they should get one done regardless of age, so I'm getting both done in one shot. So right now, I've finished drinking the nasty stuff and have been going

I'm kinda nervous so if you think of it, say a little prayer to whatever God(s) you believe in for me at 10:30am thursday.