3 for V-Day/ Singles Awarness Day
Happy Love (for self and others) Day to all my Changling Friends
1. Sunrise through multilayered clouds outside the class wall of our bedroom, nestled in the arms of my Beloved.
2. Another day of sobriety with food.
3. For the hike that we're going to take today to celebrate V's Day and for the pretty dress I get to wear to the Butch/Femme dance tonight.
4. (because I can) For getting taxes done this morning before we leave on our hike.
1. Sunrise through multilayered clouds outside the class wall of our bedroom, nestled in the arms of my Beloved.
2. Another day of sobriety with food.
3. For the hike that we're going to take today to celebrate V's Day and for the pretty dress I get to wear to the Butch/Femme dance tonight.
4. (because I can) For getting taxes done this morning before we leave on our hike.
"When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge." -Tuli Kupferberg