Aetna POS insurance? Anyone else have this carrier?
My surgery is tentative for May 2009, going through the process now and trying to meet all of the pre-qualifications to be approved for surgery. Curious how anyone else's experience was with this provider, how much out of pocket you had to pay for your surgery, etc?
My insurance had always been Blue Cross in the past, our company stopped carrying it in 2008 so I switched to Aetna in 2009. So far so good I have to say...
My surgery is tentative for May 2009, going through the process now and trying to meet all of the pre-qualifications to be approved for surgery. Curious how anyone else's experience was with this provider, how much out of pocket you had to pay for your surgery, etc?
My insurance had always been Blue Cross in the past, our company stopped carrying it in 2008 so I switched to Aetna in 2009. So far so good I have to say...
At the time I had surgery I had Aetna. It went pretty smoothly for the most part, didnt have any major problems. Once I completed their 3 months of doctors visits and stuff, I got approved really quickly.
My out of pocket for the surgery was $1200, and my post op prescriptions ran about $500, mainly cause the blood thinners were not completely covered and i had to pay almost 300 for those. I wish you luck with them!
I have Aetna and had it when I had my surgery. now my plan is a little different. it is a POS but it's totally funded by my company. so all in all I had to come up with about $2200 out of pocket. I had a flexible spending account too for about $750 but that also went for other medical needs during the year outside of the costs for testing and stuff for the surgery. I had BCBS before that and I probably wouldn't have had to pay for anything LOL
I had Aetna and it went real smoothly. Once my surgeon submitted paperwork, my approval came in 5 days. They have a clinical bulletin on their web site that a claims person pointed me too. It spells out the process, comorbitiies, timeline and requirements. Let me see if I still have it. --Tom
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I have Aetna POS. I just got approved. It was within days of them recieving the info from my surgeons office. Make sure that if you are doing the 3 month multidisciplinary plan that your visits are exactly 30 days from eachother and that it is a full 90 days not less. You can get denied because of little details like that. I dont have any out of pocket expenses except of course copays. If you have any other questions you can feel free to pm me.
Good luck.
Good luck.
I have Aetna but not the POS. I had no problems getting anything paid for and I would have paid $2500 if someone else hadn't paid for it. I have Aetna for 4 1/2 years for it and I love them. They paid for many E.R. visits last year for dehydration and an extra admittance for hydration due to a blockage I had. They also paid for 3 proceedures and 2 more surgeries last year.
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10