cross posted: confused Digestive System?
Here's a question for y'all. I'll be the first to admit that I have a bladder the size of the state of west virginia but with my increased drinking and stuff, I have to go to the bathroom a lot more. However, I'm starting to find out that when I feel like I need to have a bowel movement, I go to the bathroom and all I do is urinate then the need to have that bowel movement goes away. Is my bladder and intestines fighting for smaller space?????
Really interesting question Aaron.
A couple of things come to mind. First I don't think that the parts are now competing for smaller space. If anything you have more "space" inside since you no longer have and are continuing to reduce the amount of fat around your organs. One of the long-term (1-3 years out) post WLS complication is torsion of the bowel because there is more room for the bowel to move around inside and sometimes (rare) it can twist in on itself and create a bowel obstruction.
So having ruled that out, I too have had similar "sensations". First I went (as is typical I've heard) from going #2 every day (sometimes twice) to once every four or five days (due to low intake). And, like you, as a result of liquid intact, I'm peeing far more frequently. I wonder if it's a "habit" trying to change itself.
Also girls and boys are plumbed a little differently (I know, crazy but true!!!) and I wonder if that might have something to do with it? Your bladder may sit differently (sans uterus, plus prostate?) I'm not really sure but maybe with emptying your bladder more often it does somethign to trigger the back door signal? I may just be talking out of my *ss here, but they are just wondering questions.
I just remember for the longest time, every time I sat down (yeah, I can pee standing too but I'm lazy that way *g*), I felt like I had to poo but there was nothing there (NMI, NMO - not much in... not much out). I'm finally more able to recognize the signals of real poo versus false poo allert. I really think it's a retraining of our psychology here.
Now this does not take into consideration that I'm just a little AR (could not let this conversation go without pointing THAT out) and I've now got killer hemorrhoids (like you really wanted to know that). No matter what kind of fiber I've done, it doesn't help with the constipation when there is real poo happening. Now that I've been adding a little more fat into my diet (olive oil), it's getting a little better. Doesn't help the damage that's been done though. Crap!
A couple of things come to mind. First I don't think that the parts are now competing for smaller space. If anything you have more "space" inside since you no longer have and are continuing to reduce the amount of fat around your organs. One of the long-term (1-3 years out) post WLS complication is torsion of the bowel because there is more room for the bowel to move around inside and sometimes (rare) it can twist in on itself and create a bowel obstruction.
So having ruled that out, I too have had similar "sensations". First I went (as is typical I've heard) from going #2 every day (sometimes twice) to once every four or five days (due to low intake). And, like you, as a result of liquid intact, I'm peeing far more frequently. I wonder if it's a "habit" trying to change itself.
Also girls and boys are plumbed a little differently (I know, crazy but true!!!) and I wonder if that might have something to do with it? Your bladder may sit differently (sans uterus, plus prostate?) I'm not really sure but maybe with emptying your bladder more often it does somethign to trigger the back door signal? I may just be talking out of my *ss here, but they are just wondering questions.
I just remember for the longest time, every time I sat down (yeah, I can pee standing too but I'm lazy that way *g*), I felt like I had to poo but there was nothing there (NMI, NMO - not much in... not much out). I'm finally more able to recognize the signals of real poo versus false poo allert. I really think it's a retraining of our psychology here.
Now this does not take into consideration that I'm just a little AR (could not let this conversation go without pointing THAT out) and I've now got killer hemorrhoids (like you really wanted to know that). No matter what kind of fiber I've done, it doesn't help with the constipation when there is real poo happening. Now that I've been adding a little more fat into my diet (olive oil), it's getting a little better. Doesn't help the damage that's been done though. Crap!
"When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge." -Tuli Kupferberg