My post-surgical follow-up...
...was yesterday, and I have mixed feelings.
On the one hand, I'm truly delighted to be down 13 lbs. since my surgery (prior to, I had lost 21 lbs.) In addition, the intense pain and lack of mobility caused by my herniated disk have definitely lessened, and the edema in my lower legs is gone.
Pre-op, several blood pressure readings were right on the mark, and I thought loosing the 21 lbs. did the trick. However, I was disapppointed (and confused) to find yesterday that my BP was high again -- especially after dropping another 13 lbs.
Something to keep an eye on, I guess...
Joanne, Congrats on the 13 additional pounds. Give yourself time and rest. Everyone recovers from surgery differently. I think the easier you take it earlier in recovery will result in a healthier you. But, I also think it is important to exercise and walk as much as you can as soon as you can. I think that was key to my speedy recovery. -- Tom
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Thanks Tom -- and you're right. I have barely gotten any exercise at all, and I know that's a contributing factor. It's been in the 20's here (and windy) -- not condusive to walking, and my back makes it even more of a challenge. I've asked Cynthia to rearrage the spare room so that I can fire up the Ellipse. It's non-impact so easy on my back & knees. Even a slow pace a couple of minutes each hour at first, might prove helpful.
Don't get too discouraged about the BP. Even after droppuing 180 pounds, it's the one med I cannot get off of. I think some hypertension is related to genetics or other factors other than your weight. I still take one BP pill a day, which is a 1/3 of what I used to take! So though I was hoping to get rid of it all together, I'll take it! Plus the fact of getting rid of SEVERE sleep apnea (no more CPAP YEAH) and's all been so worth it. And it will be for you too...already you are having less pain you said so you know it's working :-)
Don't get too discouraged about the BP. Even after droppuing 180 pounds, it's the one med I cannot get off of. I think some hypertension is related to genetics or other factors other than your weight. I still take one BP pill a day, which is a 1/3 of what I used to take! So though I was hoping to get rid of it all together, I'll take it! Plus the fact of getting rid of SEVERE sleep apnea (no more CPAP YEAH) and's all been so worth it. And it will be for you too...already you are having less pain you said so you know it's working :-)