I have a child support question..
Both of my older kids are older than 18 years old. My daughter is 22 and my son is 18.. Their dad was required to pay child support for them, but out of the last 15 years, he has maybe only paid 3 years of it. Well, I got a letter on Thursday from child support saying they were going to start taking money from his pay checks. I also had a 2 papers that I needed to send back in , that needed to be filled out on when both of my kids turned 18. What I'm asking is.. being that he was required to pay, but hardly did, can he be made to pay till his obligation to my kids is up even though they aren't under 18? On both the papers it had their birth dates, so child support knows they are older now. It just seems kinda odd.. Thanks everyone!
If you can show that he owes back support, they will continue to dock his pay until the back support is paid up, no matter what the age of your children is. Of course he can fight it, change jobs often, work under the table, etc. My former brother-in-law had ducking the payments and playing the system down to an art form, as well as my niece's ex-husband. The state did not aggressively pursue either one of them....so they may say they are going after him, but that in itself, unfortunately, does not guarentee it.
If you recieved any state aid for your children (food stamps, medicaid, etc.) the state will dock his pay to get back any and all money from him that they paid you, so you will not see any of it. Or I should say, that is how it works here in NH.
I am in the EXACT same situation as you. My boys are now 29, and also 27yr old(twins)....Their dad was required to pay child support and rarely ever did. When my boys turned 18, I received a letter saying, they knew my boys were 18 and my ex was no longer required to pay child support, however he was still responsible for back child support. If I wanted them to continue to collect on the back support, to please sign, notarize and send back.
I sent the letter back, and I received maybe 100 bucks in 3 years and then nothing.
Now over the past 2 years, I have been getting a whole whopping $35.50 every 2 weeks until the back support is paid. He owes a total of $17,458.06....and they keep charging him interest on the past due amount so even though I am getting 35.50, the balance only drops by maybe $15.00. The only reason he is paying now is because they refused to renew his drivers license ( Illinois will do that if you owe more than 5000.00 in back support)
Now some may ask, why bother over $35.00, but here's the deal, if he ever wins the lottery ( and the deadbeat is just lucky enough to do it) I want my money......So my advise to you, is take whatever they can get out of him. You already spent that money taking care of the kids and he should not just be let off the hook because they turned 18. Since I don't really need the money now, I spend it on my grandchildren anyway. So I have no guilt about it at all.
Now they best part is this year, I got a check for 950.00. I was shocked and almost scared to ca**** I called them and they said they intercepted his income tax refund....Then 3 months later, I got 600.00...they sent me his stimulus check too......needless to say, he should have paid his support when he was supposed to.
Good luck to you