Partner Experience at the Hospital
After reading Glenn and Tony's post about him recovering in the hospital, it got me wondering what everyone experience was at the hospital with their partner being seen as a spouse?
Mine was quite good. They had asked earlier about my marital status and had a place to note life partner. They treated Brett just as if he was my spouse. The hospital even had a visitor policy posted in the room that made it clear that the definition of family that they live by is extended beyond in the traditional family definition. The same applies to my surgeon and his staff. The hospital has done a great job in educating and selecting people who are compassionate and accepting of everyone's life choices. I am curious if everyone else had similar experiences or experiences to the contrary.
Going into this, Brett and I have all of our legal documents in place that would give him both medical and legal powers of attorney. It went to the hospital with both of us. The hospital even maintained copies in their files. We never had to use them.
-- Tom
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I did also have a POA but he never needed them.