What a Day!
Cynthia and I got in just a little while ago (10 p.m.) -- we had been out of the house since noon...I had an appointment for a follow-up with my surgeon, then had to kill 2 hours so that I could attend the last of my three mandatory seminars (the hospital is 2.5 hours away).
It was such a loooong day, but at least I'm closer to getting this all over with. I get to return to the hospital on the 29th for my gallbladder ultra-sound & upper GI, physical (EKG, etc.), meeting with anesthesiologist, and then the nurse to go over health care proxy, use of pain pump, and whatever else they come up with!
I am very grateful that we live in MA, as Cynthia has been included in every consultation without hesitation, and shown nothing but the utmost courtesy and respect as my wife. I have heard horror stories about gay and lesbian spouses being shut out for not being "family members." She has been by my side every step of the way during this entire process...we have so much lost time to make up for -- I can hardly wait!

ANYWAY... glad she is accepted and things are moving along. Where is surgery and where is P-town. And don't tell me Mass. LOL
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10
Until they get to the botton of it, please be careful and avoid driving if at all possible. This is scary, but I'm sure there's a fixable reason. My sister once had a virus which settled in her inner ear, causing a constant feeling of "light headedness" and bouts of severe vertigo. A freak thing, but until the doctors figured it out she was driving herself crazy with worry.
Hang in there...
I'm so excited for you hon.....it's getting really close now!!!!
Aaron - my surgical consult was another all day barrel of fun! That was the psych/nut/surgeon visit (an hour w/each) with a field trip to the lab for blood work. And, oh yes, the 5 hour 'round trip!
I'm excited, too, but starting to get just a bit nervous -- just like everyone else who goes through this!