Pet Peeves! (Share 3 of Yours)
People who don't know the difference between its/it's, your/you're, and they're/there/their
I lkow the difference, I am just the typo queen.
Customers who think nothing of using SALIVA to remove a snug ring before handing it to me
My three pet peeves...
1) Having different standards for yourself. Hubby gets pissy when I do things without him or fall asleep in the afternoons. BUT... he slept all afternoon when there were things to do and he is at a stag party tonight and I get to stay home all alone.
2) When I forget to take my happy pills, or what Aaron calls the dolls.
3) Right now, having no friends to do stuff with cause heaven forbid if the hubby aint invited.
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10
[Is that one pet peeve - incorrect use of common words? Or three - one for each word]
Yuck on the ring thing!! Hope you have hand was gel right close by!
"be willing to sit in the middle of the fear and fucking feel it." Lady Raven
VSG 12/9/08 Highest 278, then lost #30 preop Goal 126
1. I have a low tolerance for stupidity.
2. People who cut in front of me in traffic and then slow down. WTF???
3. People who ride my ass in traffic. If I could go any faster, I would.
If you're gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair.
Sharyn, RN
RIP, MOM ~ 5/31/1944 - 5/11/2010
RIP, DADDY ~ 9/2/1934 - 1/25/2012