Ugh.. I jinxed myself...
So I gained for the first time since I was 3 weeks out..
I know I didn't follow the program very well this week with it being my birthday and we had wine and I was so tired I only made it to the gym one day...
I am also at the dreaded 7 month mark that I hear a lot of people hit a plateau at.
It was only a .6 gain..
But how the hell do we not beat ourselves up? I know all of the reasons above but I still can't stop beating myself up and trying hard to push old thoughts out of my mind. Like I'm a failure. I might as well eat crap since I can't be committed. I am blowing my one chance at being healthy, etc.
I know I am being such a negative Nancy and on the pity pot, which i HATE but I swear old habits die hard! And I can't stop the little voices.
Any advice?
It's like dinging a new car for the first time. You can't stand it, it's ruined, it's never going to be perfect and shiny anymore .... and then, you live with it. There are going to be lots more dings.
It's your BIRTHDAY for pete's sake - Happy Birthday! Look what you've done in 7 months -- you deserved a little celebration.
Now get back on the gym routine and be proud of yourself for making it through your first experience of seeing the scale not go down. It's part of the process. Not the fun part, but still part of it.
Tell those voices to go have a glass of wine and leave you alone
I don't think there's one person here who has not experienced years of repeated failure as we began one diet plan after another. You are not a failure, or lazy, or stupid, or lacking in self-control, or any of the other labels society led us to believe about ourselves over the years. FOR CRISSAKES WE'RE TALKING ABOUT ONE-SIXTH OF A POUND!!!! Stop waiting for "yet another failure" to rear its head, and celebrate the fact that you stared down an enemy that threatened your life (obesity) and took charge of your health. You are a survivor with courage to spare!
(Not for anything, I'd be more concerned about the "little voices." Do you also see the little people??)
You know the bottom line is this. I am so very scared that this will be one thing that won't work, I am trying really hard not to set myself up for failure. But old habits die hard.. Ya know?