Oh. My. God.
Here's what my life will be like in the weeks to come:
10/13 - Sleep apnea study
10/16 - Seminar at the hospital (re: eating in the weeks following surgery)
10/21 - Back to the hospital for appointments with the:
... nurse to review my hospital care, health care proxy, & "Patient's Bill of Rights"
... anesthesiologist to go over any questions or concerns
... resident internist for a check-up, and to take my general medical history That evening I attend the last of the required 3 educational seminars.
10/29 - Gallbladder ultra-sound & surgical pre-testing
11/10 - SURGERY
MEANWHILE... We are moving on NOVEMBER 1st and still have to pack, etc.!! I am requesting a private room so that Cynthia will be able to stay over at the hospital with me, since it's over 2 hours away from Provincetown. My sister is planning to come out for a few days to help us. I am still taking it all in -- it seems like a dream. Everything has gone so smoothly during this process, and I'm so grateful.
I am also grateful for my brothers and sisters on this terrific board. You have all been so supportive, informative, and genuinely kind. I have a feeling I'll be "picking your brains" a lot in the weeks to come...
Congratulations, Joanne! Wow, only a month away.
There's something really special about having your surgery in the late fall/early winter. By the time spring arrives, not only is everything around you coming alive, but _you_ are as well, thanks to the cumulative effects of the previous 6 months.
There's something really special about having your surgery in the late fall/early winter. By the time spring arrives, not only is everything around you coming alive, but _you_ are as well, thanks to the cumulative effects of the previous 6 months.
Congrats Joanne!!!
Boi, could you have anymore on your plate? (no pun intended) LOL
I wish my stuff would have moved that fast! I was required, by my insurance company, to take 6 months of classes and learn about how and what to eat and how and why I got in this position, before they would even start all the tests. My classes started LAST October and ended on April 28th. Then I had to start taking all the labs, EKG, gall scan, ect, which took too dang long. Finally met my surgeron on August 6th and called 2 weeks later for a schedule date of Sep 10th.. (After I met him, it moved quickly, but prior was "forever!")
So enjoy the ride, and remeber to surround yourself w/ supportive people.
Boi, could you have anymore on your plate? (no pun intended) LOL

I wish my stuff would have moved that fast! I was required, by my insurance company, to take 6 months of classes and learn about how and what to eat and how and why I got in this position, before they would even start all the tests. My classes started LAST October and ended on April 28th. Then I had to start taking all the labs, EKG, gall scan, ect, which took too dang long. Finally met my surgeron on August 6th and called 2 weeks later for a schedule date of Sep 10th.. (After I met him, it moved quickly, but prior was "forever!")
So enjoy the ride, and remeber to surround yourself w/ supportive people.
