Why do we press harde r on a remot e contr ol when we know the batte ries are almos t dead?
Why do banks charg e a fee on ' insuf ficie nt funds ' when they alrea dy know there is not enoug h money ?
Why does someo ne
belie ve you when you say there are four billi on stars ; but have to check when you say the paint is still wet?
Why doesn 't Tarza n have a beard ?
Why does Super man stop bulle ts with his chest , but ducks when you throw a revol ver at him?
Why do Kamik aze pilot s wear helme ts?
Whose idea was it to put an 'S' in the word ' lisp' ?
If peopl e evolv ed from apes,
why are there still apes?
Why is it that no matte r what color bubbl e bath you use the bubbl es are alway s white ?
Is there ever a day that mattr esses
are not on sale?
Why do peopl e const antly retur n to the refri gerat or with hopes that somet hing new to eat will have mater ializ ed?
Why do peopl e keep runni ng over a strin g a dozen times with their vacuu m clean er, then reach down, pick it up, exami ne it, then put it down to give the vacuu m one more chanc e?
Why is it that no plast ic bag will open from the end on your first try?
How do those dead bugs get into those enclo sed light fixtu res?
When we are in the super marke t and someo ne rams our ankle with a shopp ing cart then apolo gizes for doing so, why do we say, ' It's all right ?' Well, it isn' t all right , so why don' t we say, ' That reall y hurt, why don' t you watch where you' re going ?'
Why is it that whene ver you attem pt to catch somet hing that' s falli ng off the table you alway s manag e to knock somet hing else over?
In winte r why do we try to keep the house as warm as it was in summe r when we compl ained about the heat?
How come you never hear fathe r- in- law jokes ?
The stati stics on sanit y is that one out of every four perso ns is suffe ring from some sort of menta l illne ss. Think of your three best frien ds -- if they' re okay, then it's you.
Why do banks
Why does someo
Why doesn
Why does Super
Why do Kamik
If peopl
why are there
Why is it that no matte
Is there
are not on sale?
Why do peopl
Why do peopl
Why is it that no plast
How do those
When we are in the super
Why is it that whene
In winte
How come you never
The stati