Here's a link for free site that will shrink your photos. It's so easy even I can use it.
Sharyn, RN
RIP, MOM ~ 5/31/1944 - 5/11/2010
RIP, DADDY ~ 9/2/1934 - 1/25/2012
Why yes, as a matter of fact. I enjoyed a lovely iced-tea and some chicken salad with Triscuits, but what does that have to do with anything?
Seriously, I'm not sure how to do a refresh, but I'll go back and play with it some more -- maybe I can figure it out. Meanwhile, I've sent a message to tech support.
Thanks, Sweetie!
Seriously, I'm not sure how to do a refresh, but I'll go back and play with it some more -- maybe I can figure it out. Meanwhile, I've sent a message to tech support.
Thanks, Sweetie!
Well, it's showing up on my end (I think). What you are seeing is a cached (saved) file from your computer rather than what is circulating on the web. The refresh button is that one on your browser that looks like two arrows forming a circle.
Sharyn, RN
RIP, MOM ~ 5/31/1944 - 5/11/2010
RIP, DADDY ~ 9/2/1934 - 1/25/2012