Have to start over
I have used smaller silverwear, I have put the silverwear down while i chewing, i am chewing everything 25-30 times, waite a few minutes between bites and taking around 15-25 minutes to eat.
Well I have started back on protein shakes today for a week, then back to square one with the puree food, soft food..ugg is this ever going to stop? Has anyone else had issues like this?
Scott - I am sorry you are going through this.... this is the part of the journey that stinks! I had the same issue but I thought it was normal (at the time I did not know about OH and all the support out there) It is a good thing to call the Dr. It could be a stricture.... better be safe than sorry! I did not have one but I was still having issues. Come to find out it was the combination of the food I was eating... weird huh? What I ended up doing was writing down everything that I was eating at what time and how long before I started to feel bad. Things have changed now since I am 4yrs out but in the begining I could not eat salad with chicken. I could eat salad, I could eat chicken - just not together. I also could not eat anything with any type of grease - to this day I can not eat the meat from a Mickey D hamburger or Taco Bell. I still have food that just give me the foamies.... actually just thinking about them makes my mouth water - so I have given them up for good. Things are better and I am so glad I did this but it took a while mentally to get a handle on it when I was having so many issues eating what I thought was "normal" food!
Hopefully they don't find anything wrong and that it is all of your body adjusting. But then again, I had wished it was something that could be explained, fixed and then done with. Keep us posted on what the Dr says. If things don't get better, stay with him until he checks it out! Again, better safe than sorry!!!
Good vibes being sent your way!
My thoughts are with you through this tough time Scott.
I've been very lucky, in that I've had no problems of any sort. I have no idea why some people have problems similar to yours (and there are many of you), and others don't. But it seems that it can take several months post-op for someone's new pouch to "settle down".
Has the surgeon considered that you might be developing a stricture? That's when the stoma at the bottom of the pouch that leads into the Roux limb begins to "heal over", making the opening smaller. This causes symptoms similar to what you report, since it takes much longer for food to empty out from the pouch: one bite too much and POW--foamies!
This stage should pass.....just be nice to your pouchie for now and treat it nice....slow eating, lots of chewing and relax!