Still alive
But I think I am half dead. Everyone said the gall bladder surgery would be easier than the RNY. It has it's good points and bad. I was able to have it done lap so I was home on Monday night. My problem now is the pain is when I try to stand or sit up.The pain isn't bad except for going from one position to the other and then I have HORRIBLE pain in my belly button. That is the biggest cut and where the gall bladder left my body. Hoping to feel better by Saturday so I can go to a cousin's b-day party, even if it is for a little bit. I don't plan on staying for the whole time (heavy drinking starts at 8) but I am hoping to make it for a little.
I was back to work after GB surgery in 8 days; it could have been shorter if I didn't have the sick days. By Saturday you should be feeling better; compared to RNY, the recovery time is a week or two, not a month or two. I know what you mean about the navel incision; given that I had a gallstone the size of my pinky finger, it's hard to believe they could remove it thru that incision!
Do you still have pain pills? I used an entire week's worth, and that help me weather the mild discomfort I felt.