Back from the hospital
Hi Guys.... I've been gone for awhile. Turns out since 4/19 I've been struggling with having my dr's FRIGGIN LISTEN TO ME!!!!! I was bloated and not feeling peachy and my dr said I was probably putting on weight. NOTE: I haven't gained/losted a lb.
Well fast forward 2 CT-scans, 2 Chest X-rays, 1 colonospy and a bleeding, ***** belly-button, ambulance ride to Weston FL from Naples, FL later... I was re-admitted into the hospital on Thursday 5/15. I had surgery on 19th to remove the fistula and adhesions that had formed.
I was released last night and I'm resting at home.
Oh well here we go again!
Thanks for all the well wishes. I'm a little better today, but sore. I've been researching online and the adhesions formed below the belly button so it appears to be related to older"open" abdominal surgeries (appendectomy, c-section, gallbladder, hysterectomy). Apparently recurrent open surgeries seem to create this issue with some folks. I'm just one of the lucky ones!
PS: I do so apologize for not proofing my lines. I was on percocet when I was typing and just now noticed my faux pas... I meant to say puss filled bleeding belly button - even if my sagging skin does reach to the.... Floor.