I have a tube of skin underneath my chin.
Getcher minds out of the gutter!
The last time I was so shocked by my reflection was in college at age 19, when I realized that my hair was receding!
So, I go to the barber this afternoon, ask for a trim, including my beard. Even when it's been cut in the form of a goatee, my beard has always been rather full. This time, the barber cleared the underbrush, leaving my neck bare.
I'm not sure what I would have seen 8 months ago when I weighed 315 lbs., but I wasn't prepared for the big reveal when the barber thrust a mirror in my face for my approval. I couldn't even describe what I saw as a "double chin", because I have a tube of skin hanging perpendicularly from my adam's apple to my chin! I guess it's a turkey wattle.
And I always used to think that I was devoid of vanity (when you're big, that isn't difficult.) Oh well, new feature: it's time to get used to it. A nice welcome to my 50's!
Wikipedia: wattle:
A wattle is a fleshy dewlap or caruncle hanging from various parts of the head or neck in several groups of birds, goats and other animals, including humans.

Heh heh. Zing! Good line!
My SO said the other day (unprompted), "Hey, your boobs are a lot smaller these days", which was a bit of a backhanded compliment. So far, they seem to be mostly shrinking, not much sagging, but I'm only a little more than 1/2-way to goal, so who knows what additional surprises are in store for me!
I think excess fat (as well as a beard) can hide a lot of incipient sagginess when you're in your 50's. Losing a lot of weight in a few months and losing the hair on my neck in just a few minutes was my first real experience of seeing anything resembling "wrinkles" in the mirror. I'm kind of amused at my reactions to this, because I'd never ever thought about it before!
I understand.....I always figured I would need a tummy tuck (and I will) but the changes to my neck and face as I lose weight are not what I really wanted. The good news is that you can grow your beard out, right?
I don't know how you feel about PS....but I think I am vain enough to want it....now whether I can afford it or not...that is another thing.
I'm definitely not shaving my neck for a while!
As for PS, it may be something I entertain once I'm at goal for a while, but I'd always imagined it to be for the saggy bits below my neck; I wasn't thinking of face lift kinda stuff. I guess I don't like to think of myself as vain, but I'm really no different from anyone else in that regard!

I am not sure if vain is the right word.....I still have a ways to go to goal but unless the skin tightens up by itself....I know I will want to do something because I think it makes me look older, at least older than I feel inside, if that makes sense.
Plus, hope to eventually look nice for at least one lady....