QOTD 5/13
Whether you are preop and trying to lose weight, or post op....do you supplement your protein with shakes or bars?
I do. My protein minimum is 75 gr., but I actually like to get a little more than that. Being a vegetarian, it is sometimes hard to meet that minimum. I usually have at least one protein drink a day. I have it for breakfast and it starts my day off with 40 gr. of protein right off the bat.
What about you?
My NUT says no so I rarely supplement, but I have both bars and a bullet at work in case of emergency and we do take them when traveling.
I frequently have a packet of tuna and cottage cheese for lunch which is 31 grams and I also eat the pretzels from Kay's Naturals which have ten grs. per serving.
It's kind of a passive choice. I often don't care to take the time to buy and prepare cuts of beef or chicken, and I've never felt that I *had* to eat meat daily, so it just turns out that I usually don't. Plus, there are so many other neat things to eat, and so little space when I eat them, that meat just takes its place behind other dietary selections.
Meat has its pluses: much more protein-dense, and I find that it fills me up quickly and keeps me filled for a long time.
As long as I chew carefully, I don't have any problems at all with any kind of meat (or any other kind of food, for that matter. I've never ever "dumped", but I haven't tried hard to test this, either.)