No excuses
Hi All,
I have only posted here once before and am slightly reluctant but want honest feedback. Even if it is harsh. I went out with my sister-in-law and a friend. We had a few and well I ended up hookinh up with a lady there. Whom i had met prior to this evening. Which I would have done without drinking. Now I would normally not be too concerned my husband is totally ok with my sexuality but his sister didn't know. She asked a few times that evening what's with that but I blew her off and now she expects some sort of answer this was week ago. Do I owe her answer? Do I have to explain that it is what it is or do I just let her believe it was just the alcohol?
Best Regards
Hey Maxine,
You have to do what you feel is right, but i think that being honest with you is the most important thing. And if you let her believe that it was just the booze how would you feel?
Personally, I don't think you owe her anything, you are an adult and you are free to do as you please, but seeing as she is family that may not be as easy as it sounds.
What does your husband think about the situation? Perhaps he could be of some help.
Best of luck.