Hey there everyone! Lately I have been unable to get to the gym to work out because of work, my college school schedule and my 2 1/2 year old.. All I feel I have time for is
and that's sparse! I have started to do things around my house to exercise.. But I am getting a little bored with it.. Right now I jump/run in place on my 'mini-trampoline' for about 30 mins and use weights. I do push up's and crunches..
Do any of you have an "at-home workout routine?" I just want some different ideas on what to do-- especially where it's getting colder and getting darker earlier now. It's harder to go outside and walk..
I am running out of ideas! Please tell me anything you can think of.. It will help! Thanks!!
I have digital cable from Time Warner. They have Exercise TV On Demand. There's several quickie workouts on there that I do. Like the walking ones 1-3 miles three days a week. I drag myself to the YMCA 2 days a week. My "always has been skinny" friend puts on music & dances. She's about a size 9 and always been small. Must work for her...LOL
(deactivated member)
on 11/26/07 10:00 pm - Houston, TX
on 11/26/07 10:00 pm - Houston, TX
Tarka...I sent you a big post...did it come through..it's not showing
(deactivated member)
on 11/27/07 6:25 am - Houston, TX
on 11/27/07 6:25 am - Houston, TX
Ok lets try this time....
I would like to add to my friend Dxe post...
You can use a water bottle or Dish washer soap...those big ones, for dumbells....
here is a cross post..it's pretty good...it's really looking ofr things you can do, instead of giving into the obsticals....
OK, some of the "Exercise Gurus" are clearly excelling
And breaking records at re-making themselves here on the Men's Forum...
But what about those of us who are either-
Like myself, old dudes with little time for Real Exercise,
Or those just starting out and yet unable to be "In-Training"
For the "Iron-Man Competitions?"
There is hope......
EXERCISE For the Completely Non-Athletic!
Sorry to just Copy/Paste
An old post of mine from the Men's Board,
But Hope Some here will find it useful too-
It certainly saves on typing!
Habitual Exercise/Activity.....
For any of you
Who have read my crap on other OH (AMOS) or Quix Forums in the past,
You know that I'm a big advocate
Of "Sneaking" healthy food into
Your normal routine until it takes over bit by bit.
The same is true with Exercise.
Yes, I do set aside time each day now
To get in my walking
And 3 days a weeks now for "working out."
(Ran my First 5K on July 4th!)
BUT the cumulative effect
Of little bits of added exercise
Are also just as important.
As for "Sneaking in" a little Exercise into your Daily Life?
Here are some of the things that I did that
I still keep as part of my daily routine of little things
That add -
Calorie burning,
Muscle stretching,
Stress relieving
Activity to my life without getting in my way.
I'm always on the lookout for more
So if you've got some,
Add them on here....
A starter list of "activating" strategies:
At Work, Don't use the nearest bathroom.
I only use the one
In an adjacent building to my office,
That requires me to walk a good bit.
(approx. ¼ mile round trip, with some stairs)
Serves the Dual function
Of not leaving a noxious cloud in my workspace.
Always park in the furthest space.
At first I parked mid-way from door,
Now, I park Far from any main entrance.
I added this bit by bit over the last 2 years.
Now, it's just habitual
And I don't have to "think about it."
Leave the TV remote
On a table in the middle of the room.
I don't have to walk all the way over
To the TV to change the channel
But I do have to go through the action
Of getting my azz up.
Never take an elevator fewer than three flights,
Take the stairs.
I also started this as a "One Flight Rule,"
And have built up to 3.
Now that my Knees are happy
With this little man they are
Carting around, they don't seem to mind at all.
Get rid of the electric can opener and use a manual one.
I cook a lot and as my old Opener Died,
I didn't replace it.
Easy, but since I cook a lot,
It adds just a tiny bit of fore-arm action
To every meal I make.
Never Wait without walking.
My Airport Exercise.
Where I used to try to find a good place to park my Butt
While enduring a lay-over at an airport,
I now walk from one end of the Concourse
Or Terminal to the other to pass the time.
Still able to Cell phone like a crazy-man, but
I'm adding a little exercise while doing it.
Your gonna' be sitting on the plane anyway,
Walking right up until you get on,
Makes even the worst seat
Seem a little more comfortable
After putting in several Miles in the Terminal.
Never see another TV commercial again.
I get up and walk to another room
Whenever there is a commercial on the tube.
I started this back when I was
Just getting able to walk again,
Using it as a "timer" to get in walking, (Very Useful!)
And I've just kept it.
I Put my favorite coffee mug on a very low shelf,
So I'll have to squat down to get it out and put it back.
I've also done this with my paper for my Printer and
Other items at my studio.
Low enough so I have to REALLY
Squat low or get on a knee to reach it.
The getting down, and then back up activity
Becomes second nature.
I practice "aerobic shopping" by taking a lap
Around the mall or grocery store
Before I go into a mall store
Or put an item in the cart. I'll "Do" the outer ring of
The Grocery store and look at sale items,
Then start back in the produce area.
I really push right along with some speed
So as not to add to much time to my shopping trip.
Never go through a "drive-thru."
I don't frequent the fast food places any more,
But if I am stopping by a Taco Bell (re-fried beans Rule!) or such,
I park (at a distance) and walk in.
It takes some of the "shine" off
Of those places that once offered
Semi-immediate satisfaction.
I don't even "Drive-Thru"
At the mail drop at the Post Office.
"Park it and Walk" can add a good bit
Of walking over the course of a month.
Sit on the Floor.
When ever I'm at home in the living room,
I try to use a cushion or pillow and the floor
As often as possible for sitting.
Watching TV,
Enjoying the Fireplace,
Playing with the dog, whatever.
The simple act of getting down and back up
(which would have only happened
In the past as the result of some horrible accident)
Adds stretching, and simple exercise to each day.
I tie my shoes without bringing them up to me.
No more crossing my leg up
To make tying my shoes easier.
Bending on over, even while sitting,
Forces extra stretching of my back and general
Extra effort on my part.
I did it at first at the suggestion of my Physical Therapist
As a way to get more stretching in for my back.
I've kept it as -
"This is just how I tie my shoes Now!"
Keep my Wallet and Keys on the floor.
I've always had a big bowl
On a side table in my bedroom
Where I put my change,
Keys and wallet every evening.
I still have it,
Now it just sits on the floor under that table.
I have to bend down each time to put my stuff in it
And every morning when I gather up my crap.
I tried putting it up high so I'd have to reach up
But I ended up dropping coins once too often.
I get the same extra stretching and effort out of
Picking these items up from the floor.
Now it's just second nature.
I don't sit while talking on the phone.
I'm forced to sit at my computer so much while working
That I added the "stand while talking" rule to my phone time.
It actually makes getting to the papers and stuff I need to
Refer to while on the phone much easier anyway.
And if the call is just about ideas or stuff,
I seem to think better "On my Feet" anyway.
If nothing else,
The getting up several times a day
And walking around
Adds a very tiny bit of exercise.
Eventually all of this adds up.
On those days when my Life gets too busy
To make time for my 3 to 5 mile walk in the park,
Or my workout at home with weights,
I still have to pick up my wallet, tie my shoes, etc...
I've tried adding lots and lots of little new habits
To get in more activity
But these are the ones that stuck.
For all of you who are just starting out,
While you are losing weight at record speeds,
Add in some little habits
For the future when you won't have
The positive re-enforcement of constant
"Wow Moments!" To keep you going.
"We Are what we repeatedly Do.
Excellence, then, is not an Act,
But a Habit." - Aristotle
Smart old Greek!
I'm enjoying Habitual Health Now
And making Habitually Good Food Choices.
Just Living with the Daily realization that this
Is a Forever Thing, and that It keeps on working!
Sorry for the Habitually Long Ramble.....
Hope someone finds it useful.
Best Wishes-