CAT Scan
For the past few days I've been having a pain in my lower left abdomen. I called the surgeon yesterday to talk to her and see if it was anything I should be concerned with. She says, "I think you better come into the office". So, at 11:00 am, I leave work and by 1:00 pm I'm at NYU. After talking and poking, and talking and poking some more, she sends me for a CAT Scan of my abdomen and pelvic area. Her office is right in the hospital, so they made arrangements for me to go right over and get the Scan. It was a long wait, and I finally got home at about 7:30 pm last night. The frustrating thing is, they told me my surgeon will have the results in about 2 days.
I hate waiting for results of tests. In a way I hope they find something so I can just take care of it. It'll be worse if nothing shows up and I'm back at square one.
Keep your fingers crossed for me that they find the problem, but that it is nothing serious.
VSG on 04/06/12
If it was something serious they would get right back to you. They do what they call a "Wet Read". It is for fast results to rule out any serious problem. The images then need to be reviewed by a radiologist....and with Bariactric surgery they may be a specialized radiologist. It then needs to be reviewed by the surgeon. It usually takes 3 days for this process. 2 days is actually a fast turn around. If the pain severely worsens go to the E.R. where the surgery was done if possible. If it is so sudden and severe and 911 is needed they will have to take you to the closest hospital. If you get a fever even if it is 100.9 go to an E.R.......Hope this is helpful Sean