Dear friend,
If you live in the Dallas area, this is for you. The Lord wants our time and talents as well as our tithes. Here's a chance to show the world you love and want Jesus to be Lord of your life. Deacon Robert and Seminarian Norma will host a "Meet & Greet" at Crossroads Market/Bookstore 3930 Cedar Springs Rd Dallas,Tx this Saturday from 6-8:30pm. We will distribute fliers, share a cup of coffee, and let people know they are loved, no matter who they are.
Please call your friends, members of our church, and encourage them to join us. If WE don't share the Lord, to our people, who will?
Guys AND GALS we need you to help us. Please call the church 214 623 8400 and let us know we can count on you! God bless you!
Serving Him,