Four month update and new pictures
Hey, y'all.
It's been just a few days over four months since my surgery, and everything is going great. My shirt size is down from an XXXXL to an XL and my pants have gone from a size 48 to a size 34. I feel great. I presently weigh about 235, with just under 100 lost since surgery and 145 lost from my highest of 380 earlier this year.
I don't weight myself very often, about once a month, so I don't notice any plateaus or anything. But the weight loss has felt consistent. Every week, people tell me that I just keep getting smaller and smaller. Gotta love it. I haven't even been recognized several times.
I had some new pictures taken just outside my house earlier today. Check them out. Sometimes I still can't believe that's me.
The best of luck to everyone,