QOTD 10/22
Hi Family,
This might be a touchy question but i am going to ask it. Only because the way i felt after it happen to my parnter and I.
1. Have you ever been denied something because you are gay? Or have you ever been treated differently because you are gay?
Here is my answer.
In Wisconsin we have several different fairs in the summer months. We love going to State fair. 3 years ago we were walking through the fair, there are alot of vendors selling items. Well we decided to stop at this one cart the man there makes wood signs that you can put your name on and hang the sign outside your house. So we decided on what we wanted for our sign. Welcome to our loving home or something like that. The man said, i will not sell to you people. I have never felt so bad in my life. I just can't understand why people have to be so mean.
Your turn.
Sweety, this is a really good question.
1. Have you ever been denied something because you are gay? Or have you ever been treated differently because you are gay?
I can honestly say that I have not been denied anything because I am gay. I believe that part of the reason for that is that I do not act "less than" and I will not accept being treated as "less than." I am very out at work, school, and with my family. I am not ashamed of who I am and who I love.
My partner and I live in a small town in central Texas, near Austin (the last bastion of liberalism in Texas). We have a young daughter in public school and I was very afraid of how we would be treated, or rather, how our daughter would be treated. But so far it has not been an issue. I just hope that things continue to go as smoothly when she gets older. Kids can be so cruel. But I have to believe in the inherent goodness of people or kick ass when they aren't good.

I am a senior supervisor on my job. I have worked there for over 8 years and have never hidden my sexuality. I happened to have had 7 male supervisors as my co-workers in my department ****il 2 months ago). 7 males to 1 me,but great guys.
Anyway there was an opening for a supervisor in another department and it went to a female. My boss ,was asked by a woman, why he doesn't have and never hires any female supervisors. Of course he stated I have a female... Dannielle. This lady went on to say "No,you don't. She doesn't count and you know why."
This is a person I used to take to work so she didn't have to walk in the rain and snow.I was a little shocked.I am not butch in any way and am more woman than she could imagine !
I guess my answer would be that someone tried to deny me my womanhood for being gay.

Denied something or been treated differently? Sure. For many years I worked in a pretty straight corporate world although even going back to the late 70s I was out at work. I was fast-tracked up the management ladder right to the point of being an officer of the company. Although nobody would ever say it, it was clear that without the spouse of the correct gender, I wasn't going any further. This became even more clear when my boss in that organization decided to leave his wife and come out. His job was eliminated within a month. I think it's getting better but I think these things still exist today.
Oh yeah... and I've asked OH to make this message board more visible on the site, explaining that I've approached several LGBT people who have no idea it exists, and that this board is too deeply buried in the closets of OH. So far, nothing has changed. I think that's a way we're all being treated differently.

I have had several people get 'in my face' about my sexuality...but have to say that I've never been denied anything because of it...more so because I was fat...its a strnage world we live in when fat they cadeny you but throw in the sexuality issue and they get all strange on ya...You just need to use little catch phrases like...'if you think I'm gonna go back to jail for a third time because.....' and you'd be suprised at how accomodating these bigots can be...
been real lucky that since surgery, everything has happened to be more accepting and accomodating,
I think I have a unique perspective on discrimination because I am a white male who is gay. And they don't come whiter than me, my family is Swedish... And yes, on many occasions I have been discriminated because I am gay. I have tough skin though, but one time sticks out that hurt my feelings. It wasn't so much that I was denied something, but anyway here it is...
I was at Atlanta Bread Co. checking my e-mail. I forgot I had a gay pride rainbow on my laptop, one of those ones for your car but when it was given to me I had a new laptop and an old car so it went on the laptop. Anyway this little boy about 2 or so was walking around and playing and came up to me and was talking to me. At first his mom was smiling, because of course I gave her a look to make sure she wasn't uncomfortable (because I was a staranger)... Well then as her eyes wandered to my laptop her look chaged, she got up and grabbed her son. She went to the counter and complained to the manager about "those kind of people being allowed to loiter in the lobby and prey on children." I was furious, but fortunately I am regular at ABC. The manager listened to her and when she was done he said, "I think I would like you to leave ma'am. That customer is here three times a week to work or whatever. He moves to accomodate large groups and elderly customers, he never complains when people's children bother him while their parents ignore them, and he certainly doesn't come up here and make rediculous accusations that are not only completely unfounded but discrinatory and as aweful as out and out racism. Please don't come back."
Turns out the guy's sister is a lesbian. He came over and we chatted. I told him I was a writer for several gay sites and the next time I was in his sister had told him she had read my stuff on lesbianation.com. lol... So I made a friend (and got to sign an autograph which doesn't happen often when you are a writer) but the feeling that someone thought I would hurt thier child was aweful. So my answer is yes, be it only for a moment, that woman denied me my joy, integrity, and dignity.