Didnt know you were here...so I am finnally here
So all, My name is Carla and I live in So. Cal. I have been with my SO Jo for 15 years and we have 4 beautiful adopted children. I was not always overweight but after a work injury to my knee and several years in braces, surgery and a 60% loss of function to my knee I gain a lot of weight I wasnt able to it get off. I had my surgery on May 8th 2006 so I guess i am 10 weeks out right now. My SO wasn't very supportive in the beginning about me having the surgery as she is a sports nut and is in her ideal weight range. She just figured I could work it off, but my knee and the weight just wouldnt let me. She came around after realizing how unhappy I was, not to mention that our relationship had lost its pizazz.... We actually separated for the first time about 6 months ago for a week but have worked at getting our relationship strong again. It is far from perfect right now... but we are both trying.
So, I have lost about 60 pounds so far and half way to my goal. I feel really good and most of my co-morbities are gone.. I went from 9 pills a day down to 2. That makes me really happy. So, I hope to get to know more people on the message board (now that i know its here) and hope everyone is having a wonderful week.
Hi Carla
My name is Andrea and I live in Virginia with my three children. I had WLS on June 23, 2006 and as of last Friday I had lost 24 pounds. I am currently single and just taking my time to adjusting to my new life.
Welcome to the board! Sometimes this place is pretty quiet, but if you need something (even just to talk) don't be afraid to bug us into coming back here or you can e-mail me anytime and I'm sure that goes for most of the people here.
Congrats on the weight loss! You are doing awesome!
well howdy!...from the left coast to the west coast! Isn't it great when the co-morbidities start dropping away!...with the extra pounds!.. Pre-op I was vested with all types of things, pancreitis, gout, obstructive sleep apnea, diabetes, migraines, you name it, it was there or developing...Nowdays I don't even take aspirin...or tylenol...or whatever the heck were supposed to take...but don't need to,,,,In fact, after 2 1/2 years out, I only see the doc once a year for my checkup...this is such a great change for me. But the secret to long term success is to completely change the way you do things, apprach life with a different viewpoint and stay vigilant about your new way of doing things. I have found that it is very easy to put on a pound here and there later on...but that is also relatively easy to take off that pound....and not to let them add up...
Good luck and keep on keeping on!!! This is one heck of a ride!...so hang on....
Hi Carla, welcome.
I have also been with my partner for 15 years.
While my weight has fluctuated greatly over the years, my health has steadily declined. I have always been overweight, but now is the time I feel I need to take action...I have a lousy quality of life at the moment. My partner is supportive and afraid of the surgery at the same time. My recent heart attack was a real scare for her, but I think it has made her realize how the obesity is impacting my health.
Sorry to ramble...just wanted to welcome you to the boards and tell you a little about me.
Welcome, Carla. I'm glad you found us here. This is a great, supportive group here.
I had my surgery in April, and my partner had hers in December. She has lost over 140 lbs and I have lost 55 lbs. It is a great thing that both of us are going through this together. It makes is som much easier for both of us.
Before I had my surgery, I found it getting increasingly more difficult to keep up with my job, and the house and the yard and everything. Now things are getting much better. My blood pressure is normalizing, and my diabetes is improving. In March, my 3 month blood surgar rating was over 9, which is very high. My tests I had done this month shows that it is down to 7, which is still a little high, but that my surgars are coming down. Now I just mostly take the vitamins and nothing else. I love not having to take medication.
Hope you continue to do well with your surgery.