small update for me
My job did not work out. I am very upset about that. I just could not stand long enough without pain. I felt like I was pre-op. I am not sure what I am going to do. Rhonda is trying to be supportive, but honestly, it is hard for her when we are having such a hard time with bills.
Please do not respond if you do not have anything positive to say because I can not handle anything negative right now.
Hope everyone is doing better than me.
Take care
God closes one door so he can open another. That just wasn't the job you were meant to have. Don't get down on your self,just keep looking.
Stay positive-it shows in an interview if you are down on your self -you'll project that you are not worthy of the job and the prospective employer may follow your lead. Be confident and upfront about what you can and can not do.
God has a plan for you. He didn't bring you this far to let you drop.
You are in my thoughts and prayers
thank you so much for your post, you are so right.
I do have some interviews coming up. I have one tomorrow for customer service for a dish network company and on Monday, I have an interview with Jenny Craig. Just saying that kind of makes me laugh, but I would be good talking to people in their search to find a way to lose weight. The job would be answering phones and making appointments and greeting people as they come in. I could so do that job. I just hope they can see past my excess weight. I think I may tell them why I feel my losing weight would help motivate clients in their office.
Well anyway, Thank you and have a great day!
Take care
we are soo much alike,, I love the don't post if you don't have something positive to say,, I AGREE,,
Well girl I feel the same way as you,, I just got hired but am terrified I may not be able to keep up with the job,, But have patience sweetie,, the perfect job with come around for you, and hey you did the best you could and thats all anyone ever ask,, Plus to make you feel better I have not had many jobs at all last more than 1 day so don't feel bad!!! lol
A job will come your way,, stay positive and have faith,, also I know the $$ situation myself, I have no roommate right now and can't afford double rent and to pay all the side bills on my own,, I am just hoping the electiricty doesn't go off soon!!!
So sorry to hear about this Erin. I know how excited you were to get the job. I have to door closes so another can open. I am confident that you will find the job that is right for you.
What about an office job? Can you type? Answer phones? I think a job in an office, one that doesn't require alot of standing, would be better for you at this time since standing causes you such pain. Just a thought.
Stay positive sweetie. It'll all work out.