Thank You Mary Wise
I just want to thank you for hosting Mays get together at Renfest, It was awesome, 1st we had been to with more years to come. We had so much fun, we really loved the dirty laundry show and the ded Bob show, although we have to leave that show in the middle as Presleigh insisted on riding the swings,but what I saw was GREAT(definately not for kids, lol).I did break down and get me a fried pickle, hehehe Presleigh got her hair braided and a horse face painting, she loved it. We left at 3 p.m. though because David had only had 2 hrs sleep prior to coming and he was tired.
Thanks again!!
I agree! Marty the Renaissance Festival was an AWESOME idea!!! I twas my first time as well and I loved it. I was totally bushed, but loved it nevertheless. It was a good way to get some exercise, see a lot of new things and have a lot of fun. We enjoyed the Dextre Tripp show and all the sights and sounds. I too fell off the wagon and had a shaved ice, but I have had a weakness for cold things like sno cones and such (not ice cream though) since right after surgery.
It was great seeing those of you that I did see.
Kay the baby is gorgeous.
You all are looking great. Can't wait to see everyone again next month.
Talk to you soon
Hey girl
Thanks so much for the kind words. I am still getting used to how I look, but am feeling great!
I actually asked for my picture to be updated ages ago, but I guess with the re-vamp and stuff that never happened. I am still waiting, but when I figure out how too, I will definitely get it all done.
You are looking awesome and I love the new haircut. I hope that you are feeling better soon.
Talk to you soon
Thanks for hooking us up with discounted tickets Marty!!! My husband and I enjoyed the Ren Fest!!!
And it was a perfect day weather wise to go. Next year we will have to save up some $ for all the stuff we wanted to buy and bring home!
Thanks again for the great idea. Where is next month's gathering????
Kelly S

Here is some pictures that I took this weekend... I had a blast it was so much fun !!!
This is my Hubby...
Robin in Savannah

Andrew, David and I( Laura) had the most fun!!!
I love ren-fest and will someday end up in the queen's costume. We tried steak on a stick, Fried pickles, and fried chips... all delish.
We had to leave around 1:30 as Andrew started getting way, way too tired and slept all the way home and beyond.