Back On Track Program
I went to my first "Back On Track" meeting last night at my doctor's office. They only have 6 people at a time in these classes . The two women that teach the class have had the surgery and work for Doctor Proctor. This is what I have been needing. As y'all know I went to Weigh****cher a couple of months back. I counted my points and I lost 7 pounds in 8 weeks.
Then I quit counting and started eating everything in site and gained it back in two weeks!! Ever heard this story before???
There are 5 of us in the class that are anywhere from 2 years to 5 years out and have gained between 20 and 25 pounds back and we want to lose it and more. One girl has not gained but has quit losing , so we are all in this together. It's a life time battle and we all knew this going in , but I really wanted this to be the magic cure for fat !!! Didn't y'all !!
Well, just pray for me that I'll do better.