Low Iron Levels
Despite my best efforts and dedication to all other supplements, my iron levels have dropped. In January my Ferritin levels were on the low end of normal, now they have dropped six points to 5. ALso my Iron TIBC% Saturation dropped to 10 when its supposed to be between 15-50%.
Has anyone else had this problem and how did you resolve it?
I see my Dr in a few weeks and plan to address a prescription iron. Right now I have started back to taking the Vitron-C Ferrus Fumerate.
I stopped taking them at one point b/c they constipated me so bad. I tried to get my iron in through food, but it's just not working. UGH!!
I guess this probably has contributed to my low energy!
dang Tonya....I stay worried about my levels but only go about every 6 months or so to get them checked.
Please keep us informed on what the doctor says. I'll keep you in my prayers that they regulate to normal for you!
I've missed seeing your smiling face around here.....when are we gonna get the "Mr & Mrs" and another function???
Dee Dee
Yes Ma'am she is coming up and I'm SO excited!!!! She's staying with me so we're going to try and figure sone things to get into (
I hae that you and James won't be there - but I hope you'll get to one soon. I just realized it's almost your wedding anniversary....wow how time flies!!!!
Miss you guys!!!!
Keep yourself well and let us know what works for you to keep your levels up. I"ll keep you in my prayes that you will get normal levels soon!!!
Dee Dee

My bariatrician recommends Niferex elixer. I've been taking it for about 6 weeks and I do notice a difference in my energy level. And, with the first dose, my chronic back pain disappeared! You can buy this over the counter but I had a hard time finding it finally got a pharmacy to order it for me. It is about $45.00 for a 45 day supply.
Hi Tonya,
I'm 10 weeks out, and about 3 weeks ago had a lab with low Iron. I started on Floradix Iron + herbs in the 8.5 oz. bottle for under $20. It is in liquid form, tastes ok, and says right on it that it is non-constipating. yeah! There are two kinds, so if you get it buy the one with the grapes pictured on the front, it's more potent. They sell it at the Whole Foods grocery store in the vitamin section. I go to Whole Foods on the corner of LaVista and Briarcliff in Atlanta. This Iron supplement has worked great for me. It is all natural Iron in its purest fruit and vegetable extracts (with only 5 grams of sugar lsted, no sugar added) form so the mg breakdown on the side of the box reads like the level wouldn't be enough Iron, but somebody who works there said you when get a pure form of Iron without other additives the body seems to absorb it completely resulting in a need for less mg. It has helped normalized my level. Hope this helps! Of course check with your doctor. Sorry I won't get to meet you at the gathering tomorrow night! Good luck! Rebecca
Hi Tonya,
I'm 10 weeks out, and about 3 weeks ago had a lab with low Iron. I started on Floradix Iron + herbs in the 8.5 oz. bottle for under $20. It is in liquid form, tastes ok, and says right on it that it is non-constipating. yeah! There are two kinds, so if you get it buy the one with the grapes pictured on the front, it's more potent. They sell it at the Whole Foods grocery store in the vitamin section. I go to Whole Foods on the corner of LaVista and Briarcliff in Atlanta. This Iron supplement has worked great for me. It is all natural Iron in its purest fruit and vegetable extracts (with only 5 grams of sugar lsted, no sugar added) form so the mg breakdown on the side of the box reads like the level wouldn't be enough Iron, but somebody who works there said you when get a pure form of Iron without other additives the body seems to absorb it completely resulting in a need for less mg. It has helped normalized my level. Hope this helps! Of course check with your doctor. Sorry I won't get to meet you at the gathering tomorrow night! Good luck! Rebecca