suffering depression
I am 20 months post op, I lost from 376 down to 213 until I had to have a hystrectomy.... then I started gaining a pound a day until my hormones got balanced with biodentical hormones. But the problem is before they balanced my hormones I have gained back up to 257, back on blood pressure pills and have back, knees and ankle pain. I just can't seem to lose and it is so depressing because I have come so far but I still have so far to go. I have started a walking plan. It just gets so discouraging.... any support would be appreciated, thanks!
You have come a long way, Susann. You have done great! Don't focus on the weight you have gained back...just focus on making healthy decisions. You are definitely on the right track with walking! Good for you. I can't seem to get my butt moving on a regular basis for teh life of me.
It will start to come off sounds like your hormones are regulated now, and it will start to happen again. Even with gaining some of your weight back...think how far you have come! You are doing everything in the right direction.