Divorce papers served?
First of all, know that you are not alone! My psychiatrist said that 50% of people that go through WLS end up going through a divorce! Sometimes the weight loss changes the dynamics of the relationship.
The one thing that really stands out from your post is how surprised you were. Have you been able to talk to your husband? You might ask him to go through counseling with you just to get things out before everything ends. I know you will want some closure. You might also want to go through counseling with your son so that he understands it's not his fault... I know you want to shelter him, but leaving things up to his imagination might not be a good thing.
All in all, you are doing the RIGHT thing by reaching out for support and love. You really should confide in your close "real life" friends. They know you best and will undoubtedly do anything for you!
And I agree with the dude above... you are GORGEOUS, smart, and sweet!!!! Go ahead and mourn - but definitely start making some plans for the future! Are there things you haven't been able to do because of your marriage? Places you wanted to visit? Hobbies you've wanted to try? Places you've wanted to LIVE? It's time to break out!
Again - BIG HUGS to you! Come here whenever you need to vent! We're here for you!

Awwwww.... Rachel, I'm so sorry to hear this news... If you ever need an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on, please know that I will be here for you.
I know that this isn't gonna be an easy time for you, but do be kind to yourself. As hard as it might be, don't beat yourself up over this as so many do when they are hit with the unexpected. By having this surgery you were doing the right thing. By making yourself healthier, you have made one of the first steps in letting the world know you have the capability of being an independent person. Sometimes that is the hardest realization of all, so maybe it is just gona be easier from here on out.
Lean on your friends right now.. Thats what we're here for!
OMG girl, I am very shocked at this. I was under the same impression as you were about your marriage. You are in my thoughts and prayers, and if you need me, you know how to contact me. Also if you need to talk other than via obesity help, my cell is 678-416-6537, I am here for you girl ALWAYS.
Love ya g/f
I am so sorry to hear that, you are a beautiful woman and you will be alright! I am sorry that u think your surgery is to blame. I had been living with a guy for 10 years and the surgery broke us up and it has been the best thing in my life to happen. Now one year later I am happily married to a wonderful guy who adores me just the way I am! even with 3 kids and still being overweight.... the other guy constantly told me no one would ever love me being overweight and 3 kids! I am sorry for your loss especially in that way but I hope it turns out to be the best thing for you too!
OH my dear friend!! I'm so sorry to be late responding, I've been out of town.
I know you must just be devastated!! You KNOW you can email me at ANY time, and I will send you my phone number or you send me yours and we can chat. I've been a divorcee' for going on 14yrs now.
There is actually one very important piece of advice I'd like to share with you privately, so let me hear from you.....
My heart is so broken for you.
Hi Rachel,
Just wanted to check in and see how you're feeling. I read your post and I am SO sorry you're going thru this...
The same thing happened to me (9 years ago) and althougth that's a long time, I still remember the pain!!
Please give us an update when you can. Please try to take care of your self and know that it will get better! I know it may not seem like it right now but it will.