Today I spoke with my surgeons office and they told me that my insurance company is requesting my weight history for the past five years. This may seem like a simple task but in the past five years I have lived in 3 different states and have not had a consistant primary care physcian. On top of that they are wanting the name of the medication I was given in an attempt to loose weight however the doctor has a website but the phone numbers and e-mail address are no longer in service. So then I attempted to contact the pharmacy I filled it at and they told me that they update there system every couple of years and that they have no record of any of my prescriptions I have filled. I don't know what to do because I am afraid they will deny me!

Don't worry!
It's just another step. I moved to GA 9 months ago and had to do the same thing. Just make a list of everything you have done or tried to lose weight; any programs, diets, doctor names you might have seen, scripts you might have taken, etc. They don't have time to verify everything you've done, they just want to see that you've tried!
Good Luck,