Hi All...
Well yesterday was interesting.
The office was full of green food, and I did PRETTY well. I mostly ate green grapes and green apples. I did have one too many homemade sugar cookies...dang it.
Ok..so I didn't eat any lunch, cuz a bunch of us were going to a function with a reinsurer with free food and drinks.
I left about 3pm to head to Alpharetta to the restaurant, stopped at a BP station for gas and a car wash. I pulled into the car wash, and when it finished I went to put the car in drive and the gear shift would NOT move.
So..my only food from that point was about 3/4's a can of Pringles (which was better than candy or pastries) and a Light Minute Maid lemonade.
Finally get the car towed...THAT was fun ..getting a car stuck in PARK, onto a flatbed tow truck INSIDE a car wash and try to get it out!! Thank goodness for the removable convertible top and we had to let the air out of the tires.
By the time I got home (Joe came & got me) I ordered us all Chinese and I was UTTERLY exhausted!! I had 1/2 a glass of wine and it was like a DRUG! I couldn't hold my head up after that.. I was so tired, I fell asleep right there on the couch.
So food was not great AGAIN, but it was better than the day before.
I'll try to do better today.
What did YOU eat on Friday???

Let's see....
b - coffee
l - about an OZ of Corned beef, cabbage, whole potatoes, and carrot souffle and a glass of tea (the meal was supposed to include a rool and dessert and I passed on both. but then again - the Corned beef and I argued and it won the fight
d - a small bowl of home made oyster stew.....and a few sips of wine.
s - about 5 potato chips.....
I got in an hour of cardio took all my vitamins and about 40 oz of water....I HATE WATER.....BLECH
not banner - but not terrible either
Dee Dee

Dang, it's Monday and Im in brain drain....I recall having a decent day on Friday, just can't remember which foods....UNTIL I left nursing home at 10PM visiting my mom. I was SUPPOSED to drive through Chick Fila and pick up a grilled chicken salad. I ended up at Mickey Dee's and woofed down a kids 6 pc nuggets meal, fries and all! For some gawdawful reason these things went down like greased lightening! Not usual...Heck, I probably ate something else when I got home...it's a blur actually, I was so tired.
Weekend was AWFUL....carbs all day on Saturday....right up to NIGHT time after husband went to bed. I actually ate a Little Debbi Apple Pie that someone had given my husband that he would NOT eat....well, he thought about his splitting it...lucky for him I didn't leave him any. It was, if you can believe this.....420 calories. We are sick, sick people! I could have had a hamburger on bun for THAT!
The good news was I had lost the 4 lbs. I put on over the past 2 weeks when I did my weekly weigh in on Sat. but I blew it all to heck and back over the weekend. *sigh* Protein bar for breakfast this morning....I'm trying to get on the wagon again.