a friend of mine REALLY needs prayers.....
A friend of mine had Gastric Bypass 5 years ago, she did good except everything she ate made her sick. She has had several problems through out the years & now is in Lanier Park In ICU & they say it doesn't look good for her. She went in about a month ago because she couldn't have a bowel movement, so they cleaned her out then about 2 weeks later she started having pain & they thought it was her gallbladder so they went in & took it out & ever since then everything has went down hill for her. After G/B surgery they found out her pancretis (spelled wrong) was giving her trouble to & they treated her for that. Then she just got sicker & sicker. Blood pressure was dropping really bad. They did more tests on her & found out she has a hole in her small intestine, so back to surgery. She has been on a ventilator for a week now, & last night they said she has really bad infection in her body & blood clots. So Please everyone say a prayer for her & her family. It is so sad. I will keep everyone updated.
Tammy Gunter